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The goal of these suggestions is to infuse language and literacy into your everyday interactions with your children, and to foster their love of reading and writing. These suggestions align with literacy work done in the classroom, as teachers take this same approach in developing children’s language and literacy skills.

3-5岁年龄段 Ages 3-5*

• 每天大声朗读,即使仅仅抽出10分钟的时间。依偎在沙发上或抱孩子入怀。睡前阅读是结束一天生活最美妙的方式。

• Read aloud daily, even if it’s only for 10 minutes. Snuggle up on the couch or hold your child in your lap. Reading at bedtime is a wonderful way to end the day.

通过听音频,孩子开始意识到书画承载着信息和意义。 选择一些适合孩子年龄和兴趣的,并配有引人入胜图画的书籍。本年龄段的孩子喜欢韵律感强和不断重复的书籍。

By listening to books, young children begin to understand that print carries meaning. Read books with appealing pictures that match your child’s age and interests. Children at this age like books with rhythm, rhyme, and repetition.

• 亲子共读时可以和孩子一起讨论故事和图画,让讨论变得自然而然并有趣生动。

• Talk about the story and pictures in the books you read together. This time together should be natural and fun.

• 鼓励孩子尝试学习阅读和背诵图书。 让孩子跟读重复的台词或者主题词。请对孩子的阅读尝试表现出异常激动。不要说:她没有在读书,她只是记下了这本书。背诵和记忆是学习阅读的第一步。

• Encourage risk-taking as children learn to read and memorize their first books. Have your child chime in on repeated lines or a chorus. Respond enthusiastically to early attempts at reading. Never say, “She’s not reading. She has just memorized the book.” Memorizing is one of the first steps in learning to read.

• 和孩子一起讲故事。

Tell stories together.

• 通过唱歌、指标牌、押韵脚和讨论单词和字母等玩语言游戏;

• Play with language by singing, pointing out signs, rhyming words, and talking about words and letters.

• 提供书写的材料(如纸张、钢笔、黑板、马克笔)和可以写作的场所或角落。 你可以为孩子提供一个备有纸张、马克笔、蜡笔等资料的写作盒子。

• Provide writing materials (such as paper, pens, chalkboard, markers) and a corner or area for writing. You might want to have a writing box with paper, markers, and crayons in one convenient place.

• 为孩子准备可吸附在冰箱上有磁性的字母,和漂在浴缸里的塑料字母,这样可以和孩子玩字母和读音的游戏;

• Provide magnetic letters on the refrigerator and plastic letters in the bathtub so your child can play with letters and sounds.

• 带孩子参加在书店或者图书馆举办的有作者或者说书人的读书会;

•Take your child to hear authors or storytellers at bookstores or the library.

• 示范日常写作(如清单、书信、便条),邀请孩子和你一起写;

• Model writing everyday (such as lists, letters, notes). Invite your child to write along with you.

• 让孩子口述一个故事,并制作一本简单的书;

• Have your child dictate a story to you and make it into a simple book.

• 对孩子的单词意识作出反应哦(“哇哦,你怎么知道它读target? , 阅读力棒棒哒”)

• Respond to your child’s awareness of the words around them (“Wow, how did you know that said Target? That’s great reading!”).

• 帮助孩子学会从印刷品中认出他的/她的名字;

• Help your child learn to recognize his or her name in print.

• 鼓励孩子在画画作品上标注一个单词或者字母,并签上自己的名字;

• Encourage your child to label drawings with a word or letter and sign his or her name.

• 在家中或者车中听音频故事。

• Listen to audiobooks at home or in the car.

5-7岁年龄段 Ages 5-7*

• 每天为孩子大声朗读故事;阅读可以为孩子提供写作的基础和建立词汇库;朗读故事中可以让孩子猜猜看接下来要发生什么事情。

• Read aloud to your child daily. Reading provides the foundation for writing and builds vocabulary. Ask your child to guess what will happen next as you read aloud.

• 鼓励孩子跟读故事,跟唱歌曲和背诵诗歌;

• Encourage your child to chime in as you read stories, sing songs, and recite poems.

• 和孩子讨论一起阅读过的书籍和材料;通过问问题,让孩子建立起书籍和生活经历的联系;

• Talk about books and materials you read with your child. Ask questions about what you read to help your child connect books with their life and experiences.

• 定期光顾书店和图书馆;

• Visit the library and bookstores regularly.

• 睡前或者车里聆听音频书籍;

• Listen to audiobooks at bedtime or in the car.

• 随身携带书籍;在车上或每个房间放置书籍;

• Take books everywhere you go. Keep books in the car and in every room.

• 用简单词汇给孩子写便签(贴在床上、镜子上、枕头下)

• Write notes to your child (on the bed, on the mirror, under the pillow) using simple words.

• 重复阅读孩子最喜欢的故事和诗歌;

• Re-read favorite stories and poems.

• 像夸奖阅读时一样赞美孩子早期的背诵(背诵永远是第一步);

• Celebrate early memorizing as reading (it’s the first step!).

• 讲述故事,并邀请好友和家庭成员讲述故事;

• Tell stories and ask friends and family members to tell stories.

• 鼓励孩子用杂志和报纸图片讲述故事;

• Encourage your child to tell stories from pictures in magazines and newspapers.

• 记录孩子讲述故事;与亲朋好友分享孩子的记录;

• Record your child telling stories. Send the recordings to relatives and friends.

• 为孩子准备写作材料,确保触手可及。包括用于清单和便条的便利贴;

• Provide writing materials where your child can get them easily. Include post-it notes for lists and notes.

• 邀请孩子参与日常书写(“能帮我在购物清单上写这些吗?”, “为什么不在门上贴个指示呢?”, “贴个便条在冰箱上吧,以防我们忘记”)

• Invite your child to write with you during daily writing (“Could you write that for me on the grocery list?” “Why don’t you put a sign on the door?” “Stick a note on the refrigerator so we don’t forget.”)

• 向孩子展示书写的多种方式,如列清单, 写信封地址,列账单、写便签和信件。

• Demonstrate the many ways you use writing as you make lists, address envelopes, pay bills, and write notes and letters.

• 准备一份家庭日历方便您和孩子记录下即将来临的活动和需要记住的事情。

• Keep a family calendar where you and your child can write down upcoming events and things to remember.

• 鼓励孩子根据规律尝试拼读而不是为孩子拼读单词, 这样他/她才能成为独立的书写者(问:你听到了什么音节)

• Encourage invented spelling rather than spelling the words for your child, so he or she can become an independent writer. (Ask, “What sounds do you hear?”)

• 鼓励孩子在自己房间或者家中给事物标标签;

• Encourage your child to label things in his or her room or around the house.

• 鼓励孩子书写家庭成员或朋友的名字;

• Encourage your child to write the names of family and friends.

• 鼓励孩子为感谢信或感谢卡上添上小画或者一段文字;

• Encourage your child to add pictures and a few words to thank you notes or cards.

• 出行中和孩子玩认字母或者认单词的游戏(“让我们看看有哪些东西以"P”开头,或者识别车牌来自哪个州)

• Play letter/word recognition games while driving (“Let’s look for things that start with ‘p’ or look for license plates from different states.”).

• 从杂志上剪下来一些词汇和字母, 将他们拼成句子和词汇。

• Cut up words and letters from magazines and glue them together to make words and sentences.

• 一起来写一个故事

• Write a story together.

• 鼓励孩子撰写故事剧本和木偶剧。

• Encourage your child to make up plays and puppet shows.

7-9岁年龄段 Ages 7-9*

• 为你的孩子朗读书本;阅读可以帮助孩子认识故事架构模型;与孩子探讨故事中的有趣片段和人物关系,避免询问关于阅读理解的问题,让阅读变得更有趣。

• Read books aloud to your child. Reading provides a model of story structure. Engaging in dialogue about the story highlighting interesting parts and connections made and not asking comprehension questions will make reading more enjoyable.

• 和孩子讨论读本的语言、描述、细节。

• Talk about language, descriptions, and details in the books you read together.

• 给孩子准备空白的笔记本或白纸书作为日记本;鼓励孩子多写多表达,比如写故事,写关于他们兴趣的小书,写给亲朋好友的信件等。

• Provide empty notebooks or blank books to use as journals or diaries. Encourage many opportunities for your child to write, such as writing stories, writing books about their interests, writing letters to friends and relatives, etc.

• 和孩子一起制作关于旅行、假日、活动和家庭的书籍;有目的的写作让孩子感受到其意义。

• Make books together about trips, holidays, events, and your family. Writing for a purpose helps make it meaningful for your child.

• 当孩子分享他/她的写作作品时,首先对其



• Respond to the ideas and content first when your child shares his or her writing.

• 当孩子尝试拼写有难度的词汇时,提示英语单词的组成规律。

• Point out patterns in English as your child tries to spell challenging words.

• 鼓励孩子处理篇幅较长的写作作品并开始编辑和修改;

• Encourage your child as he/she tackles longer writing pieces and begins to edit and revise.

• 做孩子作品的忠实听众;

• Be a supportive audience for your child’s writing.

• 除了故事,也可大声朗读各种资料(比如菜谱、信件或者说明书)

• Read different things aloud, in addition to stories (such as recipes, letters, and directions).

• 经常光顾书店和图书馆;

• Visit bookstores and libraries regularly.

• 平衡各种书籍类型: 小说、非小说、奇幻.

• Balance different genres in reading: fiction, nonfiction, fantasy.

• 提供一些含有固句式、韵律的书籍,帮助孩子开始自主阅读;

• Find books with patterns, rhythm, and rhyme that help children as they first begin to read them on their own.

• 鼓励孩子给朋友、兄弟姐妹或其他亲友读书;

• Encourage your child to read to friends, children in your family, or other relatives.

• 亲子共读时,请孩子猜猜接下来会发生什么事情, 或者书本和孩子生活的关联;

• As you read together, ask your child to predict what might happen next or talk about how the book relates to your child’s life.

• 和孩子讨论作者、插画师、或者有趣的词汇;

• Talk about authors, illustrators, or interesting words.

• 和孩子讨论书中的人物, 问一些问题比如“这个人物有没有让你想到生活中的某个人或者其他书中的人物”;

• alk about the characters in the books you read. Ask questions, such as “Does that character remind you of anyone you know, or a character in another book?”

• 大声阅读一个故事以后,在孩子的帮助下复述一下故事。

• After reading a story aloud, retell it in your own words with your child’s help.

• 和孩子一起制定“读过的最喜欢的书”清单, 和“最想读的书”清单;

• Keep a list of “Favorite Books We’ve Read” a wish list of “Books to Read.”

• 请朋友和亲人赠送书籍作为节日礼物。

• Ask friends and relatives to give books as gifts.

我们鼓励家长和孩子精读Lim图书馆假期阅读清单, 该清单是由ESH图书管理员,Mary Ogilvie 和Lee McLain一起编撰。 本校图书馆网站也提供了最近几年的暑假阅读书单、多样化阅读书单,还有其他资料等你探索。

We encourage you to peruse the Lim Library 2019 Summer Reading List, created by the ESH librarians, Mary Ogilvie and Lee McLain. The library website also has reading lists from past summers, diversity reading lists, and much more to explore.


We wish you a joyous summer, with time to recharge, and connect with loved ones.

Liesje Spaepen, Dean of Teaching & Learning, N-2

Foley Burckardt, Learning Coordinator, N-2

Carla Young, Principal, N-2



ps: 文中英文内容来自 University of

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